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RPS Social Club Meeting April 16th, May 28th

Last month's RPS social club meet-up (which I told you guys about here) in London was a thing of beauty. Good people. Laughter. Somebody buying me a pint of Guinness so that I would have some iron.

Almost as excitingly, the venue - the Blue Posts pub - kicked ass, so it's my great pleasure to confirm that we've got it booked from 8pm for the evenings of April 16th and May 28th, which are the dates of the next two Social Clubs (once again organised by stellar RPS reader Siri Hommelsgård). Ladies and gents, get those dates in your diaries! And since it's my understanding that at the last Social Club people were present and drinking by the mid afternoon, feel free to show up a little earlier. For my part, I'll be pressuring Kieron to come along too now that he's back from his honeymoon, and maybe one of the others will make the precarious climb down from Castle Shotgun. As for me, I'll see you guys there!

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