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Watercolour Wandering: Sacramento Is Out Now

Lovely walking

Sacramento [official site] is among the best-looking and most pleasant of the many walking simulators I've played. It takes a train across the water to a dreamy island painted with watercolours, home to weeping willows, grand glasshouses, and flying fish. I close my eyes and still see birds filling the sky at sundown. Sacramento is out now for free and I heartily recommend visiting for a few minutes to wander and unwind.

I don't want to say or show much more so here, this wee GIF is simply looking out the window in the intro:

That's proper nice - and before you see even what's on the island.

Sacramento is pay-what-you-want on Windows and Mac from Itch. It's made by Delphine 'Dziff' Fourneau of that fabulous Klondike collective, with music by Glass Body. Oh, and do try pressing alt; I do like that Endless Express-y touch.

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