Satisfactory creates a race of atomic super-trains
Seriously though, Godzilla please.
Brill as environment-despoiling industrialist sim Satisfactory is, it felt like it was missing something. With today's addition of big automated freight trains to the early access sandbox, I realise what Coffee Stain hadn't yet cribbed from Factorio. Today's update also adds some lush new biomes to explore, and a way to completely screw it all up. Nuclear power plants produce tons of power (great for trains), but churn out deadly nuclear waste (less great), which needs disposing of (by train?). Below, a dev video featuring all the above and some oddly sexy pizza.
There's a surprising amount of intricacy to how trains work. They're expensive and require a lot of power to run, but they can vastly expand the range of your operation. Train tracks double as power conduits, meaning that so long as you've got an excess of power back home, you can establish new outposts using just a train station as the hub. You can also automate all parts of your train schedule, and build stations with specific arrangements of loading/unloading platforms so as to pick up only certain crates. It's a big ol' first person train set with gorgeous scenery now.
Of course, building trains, tracks, stations and powering it all is expensive, so the entire back-end of your operation now has more options. Bauxite, aluminium and uranium are the three new materials introduced here, the former two can be used to construct new goodies, and the latter can be processed into nuclear fuel rods. Once used you'll need to dump the toxic barrels (which can cause player damage) - I'd recommend finding a nice deep valley and filling it up. I'm sure nothing could ever go wrong with this plan. (Psst, Coffee Stain, add Godzilla in the next patch please).
There's a few more bits to this update. There's new tiers of mining rigs and conveyor belts to get stuff out of the ground and processed into resources faster, and three scenic new regions to explore with dense natural resources. Bamboo fields and swamps are lush and relatively easy to navigate, while red jungle is dense and maze-like. As always, the solution is deforestation. Just think like a Captain Planet villain and you'll be virtually rich. You monster.
Satisfactory is still in early access, and exclusive to the Epic Games Store, where it costs £27/30/$30. You can see the full update patch notes here.