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Saturnalian: The First Planetary Annihilation Footage

It perhaps goes without saying that I was fairly excited about Planetary Annihilation at the point at which the Kickstarter appeared, but than that excitement was cubed by an interview I did with Jon Mavor. It was with some trepidation, then, that I watched the first in-game footage reveal, presented by Mavor and Steve Thompson. You can see it too, below.

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Seeing the planet from a higher perspective at 5:15 is pretty cool, no? It's even more impressive at 7:25, where they pull out to talk about the rendering of the entire planet. There's not much more in this twenty-minute video than building, and a look at the world, but it makes me excited to see combat and, well, planets getting annihilated.

You can totally pre-order PA, if you missed the Kickstarter.

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