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SCII Blizzcon Trailers: Cinematic And Footage

More hyperbolic hyperbiff inbound from Blizzard, who are going to be causing fanmen to punch the air and whoop at Blizzcon later this week. It's time for the Starcraft II trailers, and we have a CGI sequence with Zeratul up to his Protoss-business in some space-ruins - not Blizzard's best, but okay - and then plenty of in-game footage, showing off storyline, environmental effects, and tiny men shooting each other unto death. Also robo-things with lasers for eyes, which usually go down okay in the Rossignol household.

Other SC2 news includes: No co-op campaign, and some kind of DLC, as well as a "trial", which will be released after the game hits the shelves/internet.

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