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Modern Murder-Solving: Sherlock Holmes's E3 Trailer

Consequences for sloppy detecting

Since Frogwares started making Sherlock Holmes video games in 2002, Hollywood and the BBC have made Arthur Conan Doyle's detective once again exciting, dangerous, mysterious, dark, cool, and, you know what, maybe just a little bit sexy. He's gained a fanbase far beyond exclusive organisations which eat expensive dinners. Now you find yourself in the awkward position of watching something Sherlockian on Boxing Day when your aunt nudges you to say "Phwoar, I would shag him all right! Do you still say 'shag?'" as if I have the slightest clue what the young people do.

Frogwares' latest, Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, is catching up to this makeover. Observe his aquiline features, that slick hair, and the excitement and bouncy music of the E3 trailer.

It's still an adventure game, of course. Sherlock and Watson will potter around crime scenes collecting clues and solving puzzles, questioning people, and all that. Why, he's even got Sherlock-y deductive powers like off the telly this time. And he can't just gallivant around topless distracting everyone like Robert Downey Junior's glistening hot bod, mind--you'll need to wear your thinking cap at the very least. Accusing the wrong people of crimes can have deadly consequences, as the E3 trailer teases. Have a gander:

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