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Show your custom controller at EGX Rezzed 2019

New ways to play

The RPS custom controller room is returning to EGX Rezzed 2019! Last year, we featured a four-player console where you could change the rules in real-time to thwart your opponents, a game you controlled by spinning a yoga ball, a 16-button game about doing farts and other things, and more.

This year? We could feature something you've made. If you're making a custom controller and are interested in demonstrating it on April 4th to 6th in London, we want to hear from you.

We've already got some games lined up for this year's room, but there's still space remaining and so we've decided to make the submission process public. If you're interested in submitting your work, there's a form to fill in here. We'll start to pick who to feature from this list almost immediately, and it's first come, first served. Once all the spaces are gone, we'll update this post to say so.

It doesn't matter whether your custom controller is designed to play all games, or your own game. We're interested in new ways of interacting with computers, particularly those which might entice people who don't normally play games to give them a try.

What does matter is that it needs to be your work that you're submitting. If you're interested in demoing a game, you or someone else also must be able to attend EGX Rezzed to make sure it's set up on Wednesday April 3rd and dismantled after closing on the evening of April 6th.

If you're not making a custom controller but like the idea of playing them, then that's OK, too. EGX Rezzed tickets are on sale now.

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