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The Wonder Of Shower With Your Dad Simulator

That man is not my dad

You can hardly swing a cat in here without hitting a dad and being sent to your room. On Monday I was tip-toeing around the first-person melee roguelikelike parenting of Dad By The Sword, and now I'm slipping on headphones so I can listen late at night to the bizarre rewrite of Kanye West's Power in the trailer for Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad? [Greenlight page]. The dadification of games is exploring some strange and wonderful paths.

I mean, honestly:

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The setup's simple: you're a kid in a big communal shower with your dad and a load of other men who aren't your dad. It's a fast arcade game where you're trying to identify and reach your dad quickly while dodging other dads. It'd be weird if you tried to shower with those.

Obviously it's a joke, and I'm not at all surprised to learn Something Awful goons are behind it. But what's wrong with joke games? I'm increasingly fond of short games, and warming up to short games with a few minutes of laughs that I might once have dismissed as - gasp! - silly. Here, play Fish Outta Watta a free single-joke game that came out this week and might make you smile.

Which raises the issue of price. The makers haven't named one, but are having a go at Steam Greenlight which would typically suggest selling it. For some reason I should explore one day, I'm stingier with joke games. I might toss it a dollar or two on, but if the devs are looking to make people laugh, launching a Greenlight campaign will certainly share that joke with more. They're probably just happy with the attention it's getting.

Here's a smidge of gameplay but honestly, wouldn't you rather have that song as your deepest understanding of the game?

Watch on YouTube

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