My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad: Dad By The Sword
Uh huh he can too
In contrast to many of my treasured colleagues, I dislike puns. I suppose I never went through the Future Publishing punmill. Dad By The Sword [official site] might have a punny name, but its puns are seeds sprouting justification for roguelikelike first-person melee mutilation and murder.
Your game dad will run around procedural dungeons in his jorts, see, hacking monsters and hot dogs to pieces, collecting dadcessories and gaining derks (dad perks). He sounds more fun than your regular gruff game dad. Come see some short dad clips (dips?):
As you can see, it's pretty arcadey swordfighting focused on hitting weak points to smash armour and lop off bodyparts, with a few fancy special moves on top. Developers Rocketcat Games (them behind Wayward Souls) talk of procedural dungeons and hordes of enemies, so it seems towards the bloody end of the roguelikelike scale.
Here's a newer clip showing off new enemy art:
Dad By The Sword is due out towards the end of this year on Windows, Mac, and Linux for $20, which is around £13.50. Rocketcat first showed the game off last year, but I'd missed it until Rob Fearon pointed out this amazing sentence from its marketing jazz: "It's Dark Souls meets Gone Home meets some game with a dad in it."