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Sickly Thing

Good news - a new Grow Game is out at last. These stylised sequence-puzzle webgames always manage to charm my bitter, cynical socks off - here's me giggling like a giddy schoolgirl about the last one, Grow Island, and below's the link to its follow-up.

Creator On's been ill for a while, but he's managed to crank out a short, simple new instalment nevertheless- concerning a sickly gentleman, as it happens. Unlike the more complex escalation of Grow Island, Grow Nano vol. 3 only takes a couple of tries to figure out, and is a little shorter on clap-your-hands animated surreality, but it's ten pleasant enough minutes. "Please let me off this time", poor On requests. Aw, alright then. But only 'cos your game is so cute.

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