Skyblivion! Gawp At The Skyrim Remake Of Oblivion
SKYBLIVION is a great name, okay Graham?
Skyblivion! Graham contends that Skywind has the best name of old Elder Scrolls games being remade in Skyrim, but the Oblivion remake feels more fun on the tongue to me. Skyblivion! Remaking a land that took a whole professional studio to build the first time around is no mean feat, but the modders behind Skywind and Skyblivion [official site] are still working away.
Recent videos show many, many minutes of progress on Skyblivion, trotting around the province of Cyrodiil, leaping into Oblivion gates, and pottering about the Shivering Isles. It looks a lot like Oblivion but in Skyrim, which is sort of the goal of the whole thing. Skyblivion!
Here's Cyrodiil as it stood a week ago:
Have a gander at the Shivering Isles, Oblivion, and Camoran's Paradise too:
Check the videos' YouTube descriptions if you want to see a big long list of all the mods being used there. You can also gawp at videos showing off weapons, female armour, and male armour.
I've played an awful lot of Oblivion and Skyrim at separate unhappy points in my life. I wouldn't say I like the games, but they sure do soak up as much time as you want to dump into them. Happy days. This is going somewhere: I much prefered Oblivion's forests to Skyrim's dull heath. Throwing thirty mods at Skyrim made it far more forested, but this seems a whole lot easier.
Like Skywind, Skyblivion is still in development with no release date.