Skywind Continues To Move Morrowind Into Skyrim
Ah! The skies of jaranzathor!
Ah, Morrowind's Sheogorad region, famed for its mushroom trees, its frigid waters, its, uh, rocks of Dela'thur and the brutish, erm, winds of Velopis. And elves. I bet it's got elves in.
Look, so, Morrowind is one of those games I never really played. RPGs are my blind spot, especially anything pre-2005, so my posting this has nothing to do with residual affection for Bethesda's weirdest world. Instead, it's because a remake of it might prompt me to go back to it, and because whenever I post a video of Morrowind-in-the-Skyrim-engine mod Skywind, you all make such lovely cooing noises about the old game. So watch, coo, and stoke the fires of my, er, uh... Karapór?
The Elder Scrolls wiki tells me that Sheogorad is a wild maritime province consisting of 28 islands, the remoteness of which causes them to be full of bandits, sorcerers and vampires. There are no rocks of dela'thur, I made those up, but there are lots of "pillar-like menhirs", and though it sounds like one, menhirs isn't a fantasy word but an actual thing. Good job, language.
Skywind isn't available to download yet, though the development build has already reached further than simply refreshing the landscape and has started to implement quests and combat. These videos are designed simply to attract new people to the project.
Now, set about me, with your words on why Morrowind is so great, and how the HD mods totally make it playable today anyway, and which character you think is dreamy and has a dark side but not too dark, and so on. I will enjoy listening to you, even if I take no heed.