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Small Radios Big Televisions Looks Pretty Bizarre

Be kind, rewind cassettes

The trailer for Small Radios Big Televisions [official site] uses a voice filter that reminds me slightly of the Max Headroom hack that happened during a broadcast of Doctor Who. It also kind of annoys me that there's no comma between "radios" and "big" in the title, but that's another story. In any case, I think this might be a game for me. The wait won't be long, as it's now received a release date of November 8th.

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This bizarre-looking game that supposedly goes deep within the world of things like cassette tapes with "fluorescent dreamscapes of abandoned factories" inside them. I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds like something straight out of an episode of Eerie, Indiana (or Goosebumps, if you prefer.) Haunted radios or something? Strange. And I want to fully explore these worlds, especially since I have zero reason to use a cassette player these days and couldn't find one in my house if I tried. I really wish I had saved a few from when I was growing up.

Small Radios Big Televisions is made by Fire Face and published by Adult Swim Games. It's actually a full game borne from a prototype that we spoke on a while back, which John quite enjoyed. I'm hoping I get the same vibe from it, especially since the allure of revisiting things that were once recorded on old, decrepit cassette tapes seems like a great way to spend the weekend.

Small Radios Big Televisions is expected out on Steam on November 8th. You can still play an old dev build from 2014 in your browser, though of course the game may have changed a fair bit since then.

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