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Solar Empire Goes Gold and... ooh look at that!

In celebration of Sins of the Solar Empire going gold, Stardock release a set of shots from the final build, pictures of the box and general office stuff. This includes - I quote - "Stardock's "wall of synergy" covered with concept art for next major 4X game...". Which looks like this!

Click to examine the wall of synergy in greater detail. May, I wish we had a wall of synergy.

As well as Society, there's been mumblings about what Stardock are up to the idea of a fantasy 4X game was touched upon. If a mass of people with magical swords are any judge, we'd say that's definitely underway. Post-Peggle, we especially approve of the vicious looking pink unicorn. You may take this as a cue to speculate randomly about what the makers of one of the best strategy games of the last few years could bring to the moribund post-Heroes of Might and Magic 4X game and/or say "Actually, I think you'll find its a red unicorn" in the comments thread.

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