Somehow Released: The Old Republic
Today's the day, then. The day the world finally discovers if EA's long-gestating, mega-hyped Star Wars MMO is KOTOR 3+, WoW in space, Galaxies without the madness, a Wookiee or a Jawa, a winner or a loser, an Empire Strikes Back or a Phantom Menace, a Sarlaac or a Hutt. (I don't even know which of those is better). Many John Walkers died to bring us thoughts on the game, which we hope to have next week. I too have a copy I plan to look at as soon as humanly/wookieely possible, though I've been too busy breaking my beloved record player today to get started as yet.
So, who's in, who's out, who's Light side, who's Dark side, who's loving it, who's hating it and who's going to waste everyone's time by posting 'meh' and having it silently deleted a few seconds later? Also, below is an eight-minute 'launch documentary', which is a fancy way of saying 'advert.' Warning: it seems to auto-play, which I can't work out how to stop. Sorry.
OK, I'm about to install the game. I had promised myself I wouldn't, but then I also promised myself I'd leave the house at some point today, and that's in no danger of happening so what the hell.