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Space Engineers Are The Best Engineers

I reckon I'd be happy to do most things in space. Things that I'd normally consider to be chores or hard labour would become pleasurable, at least for a while, which is probably why Space Engineers makes welding, joining and glazing seem like the best jobs in the world. It looks superb, as you'll see in the video below, but don't just rely on images. Here are some words:

Space Engineers utilizes a realistic volumetric-based physics engine: all objects can be assembled, disassembled, damaged and destroyed. [It] is inspired by reality and by how things work. Think about modern-day NASA technology extrapolated 60 years into the future. Space Engineers strives to follow the laws of physics and doesn't use technologies that wouldn't be feasible in the near future.

Oh yes. I kept waiting for the press release to mention crowd-funding but it doesn't. Watch.

Watch on YouTube

If you are impatient, go back and watch again. Wait for the colliding spaceships to happen. The game is currently in alpha and should be hitting Steam Early Access soon.

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