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Space Wheeze

Over at Eurogamer today is my review of Gas Powered Games' new action-RPG Space Siege. The demo really got folks' backs up, but does the full game better realise Diablo in space? Or in space, can no-one hear you snore? (trad).

It's like a hobo convincing himself he's a businessman purely because he found a knackered briefcase in a skip and stole a suit from a charity shop.


I wonder if we'll see Chris Taylor et al rabidly defending this game, or if they realise it's a colossal cock-up and will keep quiet. Perhaps they should be outspoken - Dennis Dyack has probably managed to flog a fair few extra copies of his own lacklustre (though significantly more entertaining than this) sci-fi action-RPG, Too Human, by being/pretending to be absolutely batshit crazy on the internet. But ack, what a shame. Please get Demigod right, GPG. (The tinfoil hat part of me, incidentally, wonders if perhaps this was a concious rush-job to raise quick cash for GPG's move into self-publishing. A intensely paranoid theory, but it would make me feel better about Space Siege).

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