Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon Cocooning August
Are you afraid of spiders?
Way back in 2009, several chums of mine were gushing about Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor, a puzzle-platformer about a spider leaping around laying webs and eating insects. It's also heavy on environmental storytelling, so folks who care can uncover the eponymous secret as the world's first spider detective. Alas, it was only for pocket telephones, and I couldn't play it. Delightfully its sequel is coming to PC, and soon.
Developers Tiger Style (them lot behind the Rab-pleasing Waking Mars) have announced that Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon [official site] will launch on August 6th. Come see a trailer:
Looks a lark that, doesn't it? Big spiders give me the screaming heebie-jeebies but this... I think I can deal with this. I'll certainly try to, as I want to do all that leaping and webbing and devouring invertebrates with my horrible fangs.
I really dig the game having a central mystery to puzzle over - this time, something involving a secret society - but also that it's ignorable. You can delve into it if you want and try to figure out what happened, or simply gorge if not. What the heck does a spider care about a human cult as long as their rituals don't involve glasses and sheets of paper?