New platformer Spinch will contain all seven colours
It's gone 6pm and we've not posted anything wildly colourful? That's not on. Here, look at Spinch, an upcoming platformer which contains a large number of colours. It's being made by Queen Bee Games together with comic artist Jesse Jacobs and musician James Kirkpatrick. Canny, teaming up with a comic artist; everyone knows they've got loads of crayons, pencils, paints, and all those other places colours live. After watching Spinch's announcement trailer, I understand it contains both jumping and colours. See for yourself:
I like that spitting hand creature. For those who can't tell what's happening there, here's the official blurb:
"Transcend the material realm and assume your true form as Spinch, a hyper-agile organism consumed by the quest to rescue a litter of its missing offspring. Enter into a world thick with bubbling psychedelia, swelling with an endless population of misshapen and malformed enemies. Disrupt your psychic architecture and be absorbed into this side-scrolling platform game, teeming with multiple pathways, luminous levels, and complex obstacles."
I believe what they're trying to say is: there are lots of colours, and you have to jump through the colours.
Spinch is coming to Steam some time this summer.