Spotlight On Biscuit - S.P.A.Z.
This week's Spotlight on Biscuit sees UK games commenter Total Biscuit asking WTF is Space Pirates and Zombies, a commendably eccentric top-down action RPG in space type thing. If what you see takes your fancy, you can pick up a demo of S.P.A.Z. or pre-order for beta access over on the game's official site. Speaking of fancies, when was the last time any of you lot had a French Fancy?
For me, the French Fancy crosses the line into overly rich snacks, along with eclairs, Creme Eggs and all that stuff. I just can't enjoy it. To make matters worse, I've got no interest in sponge cake. Yessir, the French Fancy was definitely not made with me in mind. The French Fancy? I can take it or leave it.