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Squeal: Amnesia - A Machine For Pigs Trailer

The first footage for Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs all but confirms that the machine in question is not a belly-tickling porcine laughter factory, so there's my hopes of a My Little Piglet friendship simulator dashed to bits against a dank wall. From Dear Esther developers The Chinese Room and Frictional, the game looks much more like The Dark Descent than I'd expected, wavering vision, cowering and hideous unseen hunters all being present and horribly incorrect. There are also outdoor areas though, which immediately gives me hope for greater variety in locations and maybe even a stronger adventure element. Could be very special.

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Chances are I'll end up with a saved game where I'm hidden inside a tiny room and quit every time something bashes on the door, just like I did with the original. Purchase new trousers of robust design in time for the Autumn release.

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