StarCraft II: Legacy Of The Void Out Nov 10th, Intro Now
Another fancy CGI cutscene
Lawks a lummy, Blizzard cinematics sure do go in for a bit of spectacle! The Protoss and Zerg are throwing down in some awfully fancy CG for the opening cinematic to StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void [official site], which Blizzard shared over the weekend alongside announcing plans to launch the RTS expansion pack on November 10th. Here, come check out this cool Archon:
One thing I do find funny about Blizzard cinematics is how they try to make epic scenes out of moments that are tiny when you're actually playing the games. Three Zealots and two High Templars throwing down against a horde of Zerg is a small "Ah hell, I left them out of place" moment, where the horde will knock them down in a couple of seconds, Archon merge or no. You'll mourn their loss but worry too much. Here, it becomes an epic battle. Granted, that's to build drama for the 'And now it is ON' moment but it still makes me smile. I'm reminded of this silly recutting of Wings of Liberty's Marine gearing-up cinematic with the reality of a Marine's life in StarCraft.
Anyway! Back to Legacy of the Void. Rob Zacny has played a bit of both its campaign and multiplayer, so go check that out if you want to know more.