Starcraft II: No Beta This Year
Yep, even though the beta was going to happen "in a few weeks" back in September, it's actually not happening in 2009. Eurogamer have the full story, and they remind us that the first chapter of the game, called "Wings of Liberty", is due to be released in the second quarter of next year, so some time between April and June. It seems vaguely ludicrous to look back at what I wrote about it when I was one of the first people to play it - back at the end of 2007! Wow, I was still young then. But hey, that's fine: I've basically got more games than I can play right now anyway, and everything else is delayed until after Christmas. I mean, this week alone I still need to write about Tropico 3 and the PC Dirt 2 code we got in - and those Darkspawn aren't going to kill themselves...