Steam's Winter Sale Will Start Next Week
Prep/hide your wallets.
Make it stop make it stopppppppppp. Between general Christmas expenditure, cinema tickets (some places are showing It's A Wonderful Life, you know) and Steam having a sale three times a day, news that their big Winter discount bonanza is right around the corner is a little gruelling. Good news if you want cheap games, of course.
Valve haven't broken cover with the dates themselves, but some scamp at Paypal has prematurely revealed in a advertisement (pictured above) that it all kicks off next Tuesday. This has happened before, but presumably the early reveal of the date isn't considered scandalous enough for Valve to go to war with the house that Elon Musk built.
There are no more details as yet, although it's often the case that someone raids the Steam database for advance word of what's going cheap, so keep an ear to the ground.
Anything particular you're hoping will crop up in the sale? Me, I'm hoping to spend Christmas with Life Is Strange and Undertale, two important and well-loved games from the year just gone that I haven't had time for and feel increasingly guilty about.
Via ShackNews.