Turn-Based Steampunk Shooting: SteamWorld Heist Trailer
Robots raid spaceships
Our John recently played SteamWorld Heist [official site], the side-scrolling, turn-based tactical shooter follow-up to platformer SteamWorld Dig, and he certainly liked it. But John is an old, old man now, and who knows what those eyes can even see anymore? No, you should see it for yourself, which is just what a new trailer playing through clips of combat scenarios offers.
Okay, sure, it looks as pleasant as John said, but he's still spent a year tipping his hat to a post box he thinks is a stoic clown in big baggy red clothes. I especially like robots ricocheting bullets off walls into enemies with trickshots. Ricochets are, of course, the coolest thing anyone on the wild frontier can do with bullets, whether it's the Wild West or steampunk western robot spaceship land.
Look, here are some of John's words from after he played:
So I certainly didn't have a deep look, but I very much enjoyed what I played. Which was, I admit, a relief. Never too big of a fan of turn-based combat (I’ve realised my problem with particular game types is a complete lack of a desire to plan ahead), this clicked instantly for me. The sensible visual presentation of your potential moves, and the arcadey fun of targeting foes, made for an entertaining time. It’ll be very interesting to hopefully see more soon, and figure out how it all comes together.
Developers Image & Form plan (or planned) to release SteamWorld Heist in August.