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Steve Jackson's Ogre rumbles onto PC in October

Tactical layers

The video game adaption of Steve Jackson Games' wargame Ogre [official site], which is about battles between super-powered AI war machines rather than man-eating giants, is coming out on 5 October, developers Auroch Digital have announced.

I haven't played the tabletop version, but a glance at the rules reference sheet tells me that one player controls a single, immensely powerful Ogre and the other tries to fend it off with armoured hovercraft, big tanks and infantry. The video game version expands that formula with multiple units on both sides taking part in turn-based strategic combat on a hexy battlefield. The Ogres are still as scary, mind (there's one in the bottom right of the picture above).

A new trailer, below, takes you through the history of the boardgame – which first launched in 1977 – and shows off some of the game's combat:

Watch on YouTube

Having not played Ogre, this one not been on my radar, but it's clearly got people excited. The video game version only exists because it was one of the stretch goals on a new, Kickstarted version of the board game. Steve Jackson Games asked for $20,000 – they got more than $900,000.

Auroch Digital are something of a specialist at this type of thing, too: they developed the video game version of Games Workshop’s Chainsaw Warrior and are also currently working on GW’s Dark Future and its own Last Days of Old Earth.

Fans of the board game, what do you reckon about this version?

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