Greenscreened Beat 'Em Up Streets Of Fury Released
Kick! Punch!
The novelty of a side-scrolling beat 'em up with green-screened characters was enough for me to want us to post about Streets of Fury: Extended Edition [official site]. With my News Editor powers, I made it so. But since then, I've seen a fair few people saying good things about the original Xbox Live Indie Games version which this builds upon. What seemed a curious throwback might actually be some pretty fun man-punching. You can see for yourself, as it launched last night (a week later than planned), out on Steam for £5.94. It looks a bit like an ultraviolent Blingee.
Streets of Fury brings beat 'em action to (and under) the rues of Paris, where a gang has taken over so your gang is called in to duff them up. Along with walking from left to right, it's got plenty of punches, kicks, combos, cancels, dodges, juggles, and other fighting game-y bits.
Also, it has that ridiculous visual style. The photosourcing is of varying quality, and jars with the backgrounds and everything but... it's kind of charming, isn't it? Quaint. The actors have really gotten into their roles, with goofy exaggerated beat 'em up style movements. They've clearly enjoyed raiding a fancy dress shop for some of their odd outfits too.
I'm afraid I don't have time to play it myself just yet, but perhaps you might fancy investigating?