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"Summon the Old God, Väinämöinen, to the battlefield."

So. You might recall that I asked what the hell was going on in the last Air Buccaneers HD trailer. Ludocraft have taken some time to explain: "The Last Song of Väinämöinen is the most devastating weapon of mass destruction ever seen in video gaming history. The player can summon the Old God, Väinämöinen, to the battlefield. Once summoned Väinämöinen ascends onto the battlefield and starts to play the Last Song with his Kantele (Traditional Finnish instrument.) made from the jawbone of giant pike. As Väinämöinen plays his song, the crust of the earth shatters, trees burst into flames, rivers boil away and ultimately the whole universe collapses on itself. And then there’s only silence."

And then there’s only silence.

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