Tears Of Joy: Binding Of Isaac DLC Now Available
This is quite bad for me personally. Binding of Isaac, you see, unhinged one of its many grotesque orifices and devoured my life last year. The number of hours I sank into Edmund McMillen's blood-sweat-tear-and-excrement-based roguelike could be described as substantial. Conversely, activities that failed to receive that designation during a similar timeframe include eating, sleeping, and not being presumed dead by most of my friends and family members. So, while you say hello to Binding of Isaac's Wrath of the Lamb downloadable expansion, I say goodbye. Probably forever.
Among, like, a million-zillion other bits and bobs, Wrath of the Lamb includes 100 new items (for a total of over 235), 5+ new chapters, 15+ new bosses, 20+ new enemies, and - perhaps most enticingly - "tons of new random happenings, curses, blessings, npcs, fortune tellers and more." Oh, and that doesn't even include the last bullet point, which is dedicated to "more super secrets than you'd probably expect... good luck finding them all." All of that adds up to roughly 50 percent more content, according to McMillen. So basically, there could very well be another hundred or so hours worth of stuff to dig into here - depending on skill, luck, etc.
It'll run you a whopping $2.99 (£1.99), and - if you're only now looking to get in on the demented Zelda-esque action - Steam's put Binding of Isaac proper on sale for more than 50 percent off. So that's my bit, then. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play it until I reach the end of my natural lifespan. And then, after I've died cold and alone - but rich in totally rad items - I'll write about it for all of you. So, uh, don't go anywhere for the next 80 years or so. I'll be right back. Promise!