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Tears Of Metal is a normal night out in Scotland with slightly more co-op roguelike stabbing

Iron Brew

Me and the boys getting ready for a scrap in Tears Of Metal
Image credit: Paper Cult

Oh, this one looks nice, doesn’t it? Tears Of Metal is a rousing medieval stabathon that sees you retaking your Scottish island from a bunch of bad lads who’ve decided to come have a go, which was a bit silly of them, honestly. It’s a hack n’ slash co-op roguelike with some nifty looking strategy elements and a striking art style, but you can tell most of that from the trailer below:

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The press release speaketh:

Tears Of Metal is a medieval hack’n’slash roguelike in which you’ll fight your way through battles of hundreds of characters alongside trusty companions that will grow in experience. Each run, you’ll discover destructive powers and find new ways to combine them and unlock additional playable characters, items, permanent upgrades and more. The game is entirely playable with 4 players in online co-op for maximum chaos on screen.

We’re definitely not short of action roguelikes right now. Nor ones with striking art styles, come to think of it. But this immediately caught my eye just because of how much energy and character it has. Plus, I love anything that lets my fight very large battles with very angry men. Bit of a wait for this one, unfortunately. It’s due next year, 2025, but you can wishlist it on Steam now.

The flurry of summer games events are now underway! Hit up our Summer Game Fest 2024 hub and our Day Of The Devs roundup for all the news worth caring about from the shows so far.

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