Platinum's Ninja Turtles Game Cowabungaing Into May
Earlier than expected
I was on holiday last week, so the klaxon I've set up alerting me to PlatinumGames news was only heard by my neighbours. In their excitement to hear more about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan [official site], they kicked in our front door and smashed the siren into a thousand tiny pieces. Bless 'em! Publishers Activision had previously said that Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising devs Platinum would launch their take on the totally tubular turtles this summer, but a new trailer last week pinned it down to an earlier release date: May 24th.
Even if you are one of those heretics who believes summer begins on June 1st (if I ran the land, I'd see you burned in a wicker calendar on the summer solstice), that's a little earlier than expected. I certainly won't object to having another Platinum game sooner.
Mutants in Manhattan isn't based on the recent Michael Bay movies or the ongoing Nickelodeon cartoon series, but rather has a new story from the chap writing IDW's current comic book series, Tom Waltz.
In singleplayer or four-player co-op, it'll see the heroes in a half-shell duffing up all sorts of ninjas and rockmen and so on. Here, this trailer shows some of the bosses the Turtles will duff up, including Bebop, Rocksteady, Sharkman, Ninja Girl, and Spike Boss:
The great thing is, a game about humanoid turtles fighting rhinomen, sharkmen, and robots is still one of the more reserved things Platinum have made. Gosh, I do like that lot. It's a shame their own creations rarely come to PC--I'm still holding out hope Sega will port Bayonetta and Vanquish, though I know the Wii U's The Wonderful 101 will never happen--but hey, their licensed games tend to be pretty fun too. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is excellent, and Alec dug their Transformers game.