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Aquatic Adventure Of The Last Human Surfacing Tuesday

Drown me

The possibly-best part of BioShock is also the best bit of Kevin Costner's Waterworld: gawping at a drowned city. So huzzah for The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human [official site], a Metroidvania with a submarine diving down into the ruins of our lost world. These ruins are, of course, filled with exotic and terrifying sealife I am quite keen to meet. And soon I shall, as the game's currently psyching itself up to plunge into the Sea of Releasedness next Tuesday, January 19th. Here, have a look at this trailer:

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That's a lovely place to explore, isn't it? And those are bosses are wonderfully unpleasant to battle, aren't they? The game's set millions of years in the future, long after rising tides had forced humanity into underwater cities then... something bad happened. But what? Poke around and you might find out. Assuming you aren't eaten by giant sharks, anglerfish, rays, or worm-spitting megaworms.

Headed to Windows, Mac, and Linux via Steam, Itch, and the Humble Store, The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human will cost £6.99/$9.99/€9.99. It'll launch for a 15% discount for the first week.

The game does have a demo from last year, when it was on Kickstarter, but I imagine a fair bit has changed since then. Probably hold off unless you really, really want to be underwater right now. I understand that urge. Oh, I understand that urge.

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