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The new Skate resurfaces with a surprise Tim Robinson appearance, snippets of gameplay and plans for a playtest expansion

Console players will be able to join the closed Insider programme later this year

A skater performs a trick in skate.
Image credit: EA

Things that weren’t on my Summer Game Fest bingo card: a surprise appearance from I Think You Should Leave’s Tim Robinson. Things also not on my Summer Geoff Fest bingo card: that Tim Robinson would show up to reassure us that, yes, Skate is still in the works.

Robinson (who, it should be said, is a dedicated skateboarder) cameoed with a very Tim Robinson bit about a nightmare office, teasing a real website from a fake company called M Corp. After a three-minute skit that seemed to have not even a hint of games about it, it was revealed that Robinson’s lengthy goof was there to pad out a very brief bit of new gameplay footage and a similarly teasing announcement about the new Skate (which, as a reminder, is awkwardly just called “skate.” with a full stop): development continues apace, with plans to expand its ongoing closed playtest onto consoles later this year.

“We’re still working on it,” the trailer said, in-between gameplay snippets showing groups of skaters grinding down rails, hopping stairs and getting hit by cars. Some half pipes and other obstacles dropped from the sky as a tease of the game’s level editor options.

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The fake-real M Corp website points you in the direction of the real-real skate. website, including a sign-up to EA’s Playtesting programme that’ll grant invitations to a limited number of people. As with the playtests to date, that access will be as part of a closed test for now - not that it’s stopped footage of its multiplayer and wince-inducing wipeouts leaking out regardless.

“We told you we’re back, and we’re still working on it - but it’s time for you to see what we’ve been up to,” the site adds. “It’s still early, but we want to get this right and that means we want you to be a part of it.

“As a skate. insider, you have the chance to play early versions of the game and provide feedback throughout our development journey. We need to scale access to skate. gradually as development progresses to ensure a smooth experience, and that means we can’t guarantee how soon you’ll get to play.”

The playtest news focused on the fact it’ll be coming to consoles, with no word as to whether that’ll mean more slots for those of us on PC waiting for a chance to give the new Skate a go. Either way, sounds like we’ll be waiting on news of wider access for at least a while yet.

The flurry of summer games events are now underway! Hit up our Summer Game Fest 2024 hub and our Day Of The Devs roundup for all the news worth caring about from the shows so far.

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