The Sunday Papers
What's Sunday For? Well, prompting long discussions about whose dad is hardest, it seems. Will it happen this time? Well, we'll only find out after I've presented this compiled list of fun smart writing of the last week or so which tries hard not to include anything about pop music whatsoever...
- Creator of Reset Roburky's been doing this on Quarter to Three, but he's started to compile his adventures in my old favourite Space Rangers 2 on his blog in a diary form. In short, he's trying to become the greatest Space Ranger in the galaxy by killing everyone else. Erk.
- Indie Games do an exhaustive set of lists of the best free stuff of 2008. It'll keep you going until 2009s lists, I suspect.
- Dr David Walsh interviewed by Gamecyte on Games Addiction. I always come back to my old thought experiment - if developers could make a game physiologically addictive, would they?
- Not games, but especially relevant, I suspect. Point/Counterpoint. Courtesy of N'Gai - the case against the case against Snark. And the case against the case against the case against Snark.. It's not one of our major weapons at RPS, and deliberately so. We just really like hugging.
- Okay. Sometimes its fine, especially done with as much sheer effort as this. Bell, Game and Candle do their top 50 quotes from games press releases of 2008. "Imagine being rushed by an eight-foot tall, nine hundred pound grizzly bear. You are not thinking about stuffing the bear and placing it in your mountain cabin. Your only instinct is avoiding death." is very true, however.
- Aw. Paul Barnett buys an RPS T-shirt. And - er - plugs some comics.
- Not John Walker Music. John Walker Music. And Johnny Foreigner's Salt, Peppa and Spinderella which I somehow didn't include.