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The War Z: Alive And Kicking?

I hear some very strange rumours about DayZ, er, contemporary The War Z's genesis and fears about the speed and timing at which it's apparently happening, but I am reluctant to detail/opine upon them until things seem more sure. In the meantime, I can wave you cautiously at a bunch of in-game footage of the open-world zombie survival MMOette (sound familiar? Of course it does) from PAX, and leave you to draw your own conclusions about whether this is a goer or not. We've seen very little of it in action until now, and now we, er, do.

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Well, it would seem to prove that something exists, which has been one of the sources of discontent around this sudden project. It is alpha footage, or at least that's the description, so hopefully the finished thing would involve much more polish and hopefully an option to turn off that distracting blue item glow for those who like it hardcore. I will continue to watch this project from a safe distance, with a furrowed brow.

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