The Waylanders update roadmap outlines bugfixes, new quests
The developers have detailed several patches planned for the spring
Developers Gato Salvaje have detailed planned improvements to Celtic-inspired mythic adventure RPG The Waylanders over the next few months. As well as some much-needed bug fixes, they're looking to make improvements to "gameplay, animations, and translations." Hopefully they can pull it off.
I still have a soft spot for the game after writing our The Waylanders Review a month or so ago. There was a lot there that I liked! It's truly gorgeous to just run around in. I miss my friend Delba, the hammer-weilding undergrounder who loves blue skies and ale. And I want to see my many pets again.
Unfortunately, it was also very buggy. I got stuck somewhere around the big shift into the medieval era, which seems to be where the team are directing most of their current attention. They say that early this month there'll be an update focusing on the main quests and loyalty missions, as well as some smaller bugs to do with party selection and so on.
In April, they're planning to stomp yet more bugs, while also making some gameplay changes, including improvements to boss battles. They're also looking to add some new quests for a couple of the companions. Then in May, they're hoping to address performance issues and balancing. You can read all the details over on their announcement post on Steam.
There's a lot that they want to do, but yeah, I hope they pull it off. It's got the potential. Just maybe give the developers time to fix these things up before you go looking for it.