Time To Spread This Contagion Trailer Around
The handsome writer clicks on the Steam Store and types the word "zombie" into the search bar. Too many. He reorganises them by game only. Still too many. They're everywhere. Surrounding us. An outbreak. It's only a matter of time before -- wait, what's that groaning? Where is it coming from? He moves to his browser and checks his tabs. That wasn't there before. He starts closing tabs down, isolating the infected tab: move Gmail, get away Reddit Aww, flee Katy Perry vs Aha. Just one more tab sits, keeping the outbreak from spreading. Slowly, uncertainly he clicks the 'x' on the Apple store tab and reveals the source: it's the Contagion GDC trailer.
Contagion is the first full game from the team behind the Zombie Panic Source mod, and it's being pitched as a spiritual successor by the team of modders gone pro. It has zombies, it's co-op, and uses the Source Engine, so comparisons with Left 4 Dead are obviously going to be made. I think I just did. But it's slower, and there's a bigger focus on survival horror through ammo conservation, and the paths through the levels are randomly generated, so you're never sure where you're going or what you'll find. Well, apart from the undead, or your old team-mate who's been resurrected as one of the shuffling brain nommers.
Contagion has no release date, but it's coming for you.