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Titanfall Devs Announce Mysterious Star Wars Game

Yes, but what is it?

Respawn Entertainment are making a Star Wars game with Electronic Arts, the Titanfall developers announced today. They say their Star Wars game will be "a third-person action/adventure game" and... that's it. That's all. That's yer lot. Will players be a Jedi, a Naughty Jedi, or perhaps even one of those famous Star Wars morally ambiguous characters like a Ferengi? Dunno, man.

Respawn's Stig Asmussen says "we promise to pay respect to the Star Wars legacy at all times, a fact that will be constantly reinforced and honored as a central game design tenet." He adds, "Fans should expect the exemplary level of quality first established at Respawn with Titanfall, a game that epitomizes our studio's dedication to slick, larger-than-life action and fun, groundbreaking mechanics."

He then goes on to explain that they really like Star Wars, and they want to make a good video game. I told you they didn't have much to say about the game yet.

If I were a shyster, I'd point out that Stig Asmussen was game director on God of War III before joining Respawn, and use that as a foundation for speculation about a Jedi Knight game where one glowstick hit will cut a foe in half. Lucky for you, I'm just a regular idiot - lacking the ambition to do anything so questionable.

A "third-person action/adventure game" could be anything, maaan, given how loose that genre definition is. The scrapped Uncharted-ish Star Wars 1313 would be action/adventure too, yeah? LucasArts have mentioned that they don't want to outright bin dropped ideas like 1313, and would like to explore some but... look, this is all an aside - I'm not saying Respawn are making 1313, simply mentioning it so you don't have to wrack your brains wondering "What was... what... there was a Star Wars action/adventure they were making, wasn't there?"

But I will go out on a limb and make a firm prediction that this game contains mild peril.

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