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Titan Falls: Titanfall Error 503 Stops Players From Playing

Server problems? In an EA game?

Update: Servers now seem to be functioning again.

Original story:

If you're wondering why we don't have a review of Titanfall yet - or why, to their credit, so many of the write-ups out there don't yet have scores attached - it's because review events hosted by EA are a poor way of experiencing EA games. It's far more useful to wait for them to hit general release, so we can see how Origin and EA's servers perform under the weight of new players.

The answer is, so far, not so great. Players currently trying to connect to Titanfall's servers, myself included, are getting an error. "Lost Connection To Server Disconnect: ORIGIN error retrieving player data from storage - code 503."

From the time I spent in the beta, and the time I spent playing it last night, Titanfall seems pretty great. It's an adventurous, fast-paced multiplayer shooter, with parkour and robots. It's inventive in a way multiplayer games often aren't. I'll write a proper WIT later this week, but my opinion hasn't changed much since the beta.

But it's a real shame that I can't, you know, play it right now. The game isn't yet out in the UK, but if you've just paid £40 for the game, a high price, you might be perturbed by error messages that prevent you from doing anything in a game which has no offline campaign or offline mode of any kind.

If posts on Reddit and the EA forums are any measure, the problems are widespread, although EA are at least aware of the issue and working on a solution. I'll keep trying to get into a game and will update this post when it's fixed.

In the meantime, nicest man alive Owen Hill draws my attention to Reddit user mattmanlex and his suggestion for replacing your Titanfall cover within Origin with something more appropriate.

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