Trials Fusion Fuses Bikes, Future Cities And Caligula
Well, Caligula is that is indeed John Hurt on narration duties, and not a Hurtalike doing the whole gravel-voiced 'ooh, I was in Aliens and I, Claudius and The Elephant Man, and most recently I turned up as a possibly evil [REDACTED]' thing. I hope so, I quite like the idea of John Merrick intoning out of my monitor. Hurt, or Hurtalike, is applying his sandpapered tones to this footage of the latest in the Trials stunt bike/sado-masochism series, now called Fusion and taking itself to a futuristic city-in-the-sky setting. Apparently falling a couple of dozen feet into a gravel surface at 60MPH wasn't brutal enough - now we'll be plummeting about 100 stories.
Looks like the right kind of vertigo to me. Talk of 'social features' worries me a little, as it'd be a shame to see the purity of Trials' trial, error and bone-shattering appeal lost under a torrent of Stuff And Things, but musn't judge in advance. It looks very pretty - Ubisoft have had quite a good E3, I'd say.
As well as friend-nagging, what I'll guess is video-making and the spangly graphics, Trials Fusion brings in a "physics-driven tricks system," which at a guess means you'll have more to manage to simply not breaking your neck.
No screenshots yet, as is often, bewilderingly, The E3 Way, but there is some very lovely concept art, above and indeed below.
They're doing a mobile version too, if you like that sort of thing.