Tunnel-Vroom-Speed-Game: Pyroblazer Demo
We've mentioned Eipix's forthcoming Pyroblazer before. But we haven't actually mentioned that it forthcame for thirty dollars on all your favourite digital download places. And from that forthcoming forthcame and just-less-than-800Mb demo which you can download and play. It's a futuristic tunnel racer/shooter which is a collision between Wipeout, Ballistics and - er - a high speed collision. A video of it in action, some initial impressions and something you must do if play the demo, beneath the cut...
What's it like? Well, it seems to be going for a record of the number of circa-2000 games that only RPS like references. Along with Jim's Ballistics (Though he stresses there was only one level he actually liked), there's a splash of the only-I-liked-it Flying Heroes (minus the militarised teapots, alas). While you're dealing with a basically linear course (i.e. Occasional branches) rather than the arenas of Flying Heroes, the controls and combat systems to feel somewhat akin. Well, most people would reach for Descent with its multi-directional-full-flight model nut - really - this feels a lot like Flying Heroes.
Well, Flying Heroes with a turbo button. Which is Tab on default, if you're interested. And you should be, because you'll be hammering it a lot.
The two races I played were frenetic to say the least. I'm not sure how coherent it is as a game, but it certainly goes for it. As a multiplayer game, I suspect it'll appeal in a Mario Brothers for futurist meths-heads way.
Oh, and if it doesn't feel fast enough, here's one thing you've got to try. It's a game which leaves you to manually select its options. One of them is motion blur, set off by default. The actual settings appear to be reversed, so low is actually high and high is low. Go for the latter, and you'll get a suitably modern neat high-speed effect. Go for the former, and it's like you're trying to fly a jetflighter drunk.
You can get it from here.