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Turbo Overkill's 1.0 release has been delayed so its dev can fix bugs and spend time with newborn baby

Good reasons

Turbo Overkill is an over-the-top first-person shooter about dual-wielding weapons, pulping monsters, and having a chainsaw for a leg. It was due to leave early access with the release of its final chapter on July 18th, but its lead developer has chosen to delay it instead. He has a pretty good reason: his development time had "been slowly sucked away as I've been coming to grips with fatherhood."

The first part of Turbo Overkill's final episode came out back in June.Watch on YouTube

"We gotta delay, last time, I swear," says a delay announcement shared on Discord, screenshotted, and posted on Twitter.

"In short, the game is complete from start to finish. We technically could release now, but we felt we need a little more time to resolve a lot of other things. We are not 100% there with some of the optimization and level flow. The multiplayer suite is still a little rusty (needs more options) and the amount of bugs I've encountered in the campaign I feel are a little much.

"Another reason for the delay, and I usually don't bring up my personal life, but my partner and I recently had a baby girl!" the announcement continues. "Any time I had left till the 18th deadline has been slowly sucked away as I've been coming to grips with fatherhood (babies are hard)!"

The statement was followed by a press release from publishers Apogee confirming that the new release date would be Friday, August 11th.

Delays are always fine, but never more so when it's about supporting the work-life balance of the developers. Babies are hard.

Turbo Overkill is also apparently already great, with Ed awarding it a Bestest Best in his early access review. "A perfectly paced retro-inspired FPS which'll have you wishing every future video game protagonist is outfitted with a chainsaw for a leg," he wrote.

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