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Void & Meddler: Episodic Cyberpunk Adventure Started

Ooh, moody!

I really dug weird, sleazy cyberpunk adventure game Void & Meddler [official site], and was glad to hear that creators Dorian SRed and Trevor Reveur planned to flesh their ideas out in an episodic series. The original demo explored a sinister, sad city full of strange sights like giraffepeople, none of which were explained, and had some great slow and atmospheric moments. I'm keen to see what the new/full game's like, by which I mean I'm keen to finish work, because the first episode has just come out.

The new Void & Meddler talks of things like a non-linear plot and multiple solutions to puzzles, which I certainly welcome. The prototype I played had a little of that, things I found I could do by poking around, so I'm glad that's being expanded. Here's a description from developers NO cvt, which probably gives a fair idea of if this is the sorta thing you're into:

"Fragments and details, rainy nights and blurry lights are all VOID&MEDDLER focuses on. A single night intrusion into Fyn's life and hopes. Tired of the last two years she spent wandering without a goal and without memories, among disenchanted strangers, and pitiless scavengers, Fyn decided to put an end to all of this. She'll have a few hours to make things right, and seek strong, pure and substantial memories. In a city where genders and species melt into each other, maybe she’ll find the long lost touch of humanity missing from her life."

Ooh, moody!

The first episode is £3.59 on Steam right now, while a 'Deluxe Edition' including a full season pass and the soundtrack is £13.49. Humble has it too. The game's on Windows and Mac, and the other two episodes are due in 2016. Have a launch trailer:

Watch on YouTube

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