Warcraft III In Starcraft II Because Why Not?
Armies of Azeroth
Still no news on an official new Warcraft game - and I'd be fairly surprised if that changed before the end of this decade, to be honest - but news of Warcraft III remade in Starcraft II feels like a long time coming. It's partly down to Blizzard's recent release of the Warcraft III assets to the community, but mostly down to pure gumption on the mod team's part.
The devs acknowledge that there's "massive use of resources created by Blizzard Entertainment", but last month said of Blizzard's asset-splurge that "we plan to use sounds and effects, but models are quite ugly." The smart money is on some of the models and textures we see below being borrowed from or at least based on Heroes of the Storm and World of Warcraft. See what you think:
The team behind this mod - named Armies of Azeroth claim to be dedicated to recreating the original experience, campaign and all, rather than on adding new stuff. That's a tall order in a way, given the legion of people Blizzard have dedicated to bringing about balance, but certainly what's on show in that trailer is very impressive. I'm not entirely sure it's necessary - Warcraft III doesn't look that dated, does it? - but I am sure there'll be a big audience for it. #
There's no release date as yet, but Moddb and Twitter are your best bet for keeping abreast of what happens with this.