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Warlock Demo Allows Assessment Of The Arcane

On the cold floor, a summoning circle has been drawn and, around it, several Paradox employees sway, their forms disguised by wizard's robes. A susurration builds to a roar, like the scratching of the pebbles at Dover Beach, the air trembles, twisting into new intangible forms, and then a demo version of Warlock: Master of the Arcane appears. Unnatural, I know, but it's just the way things are done in that neck of the woods. Bet you didn't know that Crusader Kings II was actually built by a blacksmith, hammering away in his forge? Fact. The Warlock demo can be found on Steam and it includes the tutorial, a preset map, two enemy mages and one to play as. The full game allows customisation of both mages and maps. My thoughts on the beta are here and we'll have more on the game as the May 8th launch approaches.

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