We Have Interesting Traits, Like 'Club Footed'
The above is a quote from an interview with Henrik Fåhraeus, project lead of Crusader Kings 2, and you can watch that very chat after the jump. We've also got the Crusader Kings 2 teaser trailer! Mm. You know, I'm not sure it's right to call these things teaser trailers. Not when a game's still a year away, or more. That's not teasing, surely? I mean, you took a girl home and she teasingly went to the bathroom to slip into something more comfortable, only to escape out of the bathroom window, you wouldn't call her a tease. Especially not if she jimmied open the same bathroom window fourteen months later and walked into the kitchen while you were making a sandwich or something.
These videos partially reiterate stuff that I said in my CK2 preview, but there's also plenty of new stuff. Take a look.