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Weather Or Not: The Long Dark

Hinterland Studio send word of their forthcoming game, The Long Dark, which is an episodic survival series set in a post-apocalyptic future. They explain: "The Long Dark is a first-person post-disaster survival simulation, set in the aftermath of a geomagnetic super storm that has destroyed North America’s technology infrastructure." Sounds fancy! There's more: "Gameplay emphasizes exploration to gather resources and knowledge about the world, while mastering a deep survival simulation to overcome the myriad natural and man-made hazards of the new frontier. Players will also face difficult moral choices that will affect the outcome of gameplay, story, and ultimately, the course of humanity’s recovery."

But who are Hinterland Studio? Well they're Marianne Krawczyk, who worked on God Of War and LA Noire, Alan Lawrence, who just did sixteen years at Volition, and the ultra-talented Hokyo Lim, who worked on the art for League of Legends and Unfinished Swan. Reads like a strong list. The game is being supported by the Canada Media Fund, and will be hitting Kickstarter on September 16th.

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