What An Eye Full: Watch Dogs' System Requirements
Possibly time for an upgrade
I've grown complacent, and my PC weak. I haven't upgraded at all in a fair few years, but now face building a whole new system. See, the demands of multiplatform games pretty much stalled once console developers starting pushing their limits, but now a whole new load are out and oh, their games are hungry. One of the first all-singing, all-dancing shiny big games is Ubisoft's Watch Dogs, and its system requirements confirm that it's about time I take my dear old friend down to Regents Canal in a hessian sack. Good night, sweet prince.
Ubisoft has leaked and pulled and re-revealed system requirements for Watch Dogs before, but now they're on Steam let's pretend they're actually real and plan accordingly (until Ubi open up pre-orders worldwide, you may need to visit the US version to see the specs).
The minimum spec demands a 2.66Ghz Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 3Ghz AMD Phenom II X4 940, coupled with 6GB of RAM, a 64-bit version of Windows, and a 1GB Geforce GTX 460 or Radeon HD 5770. Given that "minimum spec" essentially means "your PC will load this in half an hour then run at 15fps," look more towards the recommended spec, which seeks 8GB of RAM, a chunkier video card with 2GB of RAM, and better CPUs with more cores. Thankfully it won't be too expensive to build a PC keeping pace with the early days of the new console generation, but I'd grown quite accustomed to life outside the upgrade rat race.
Watch Dogs is due to launch on May 27, barring the traditional Ubisoft last-minute surprise PC delay.