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Writers Guild Award Noms For Brink and Bats

The UK Writers' Guild Awards took place at the end of 2011 but the American guild like to time their ceremonies a little closer to the Oscars so that they can fall into Awards Season, which isn't actually a season at all. You may remember that a man named Gillen was nominated for the UK award, along with Ed Stern whose script for Brink received a nod. The winners were the writers of Enslaved though and that doesn't exist on PC so we neglected to mention its victory. A belated round of applause to Alex Garland and Tameem Antoniades. So, who has received a nomination from the American guild? Read on.

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, Story by Alexandre Amancio, Jean Guesdon, Corey May, Darby McDevitt; Multiplayer Story by Stéphane Blais, Richard Farrese, Jeffrey Yohalem; Lead Script Writer Darby McDevitt; Script Writers Richard Farrese, Nicholas Grimwood, Corey May, Jeffrey Yohalem; Greek and Turkish Ambient Dialogue Writer Vincenzo Beretta.

Batman: Arkham City, Lead Narrative Designer Paul Crocker; Story Written by Paul Dini, Paul Crocker and Sefton Hill.

Brink, Lead Writer Edward “Bongoboy” Stern.

Mortal Kombat, Story by John Vogel, Brian Chard, Dominic Cianciolo, Alexander Barrentine, Jon Greenberg.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Written by Amy Hennig.

AssBro took the prize last year and Revelations' army of writers may prove hard to defeat by the lone pens of Stern and Hennig. We've mocked the dialogue in Arkham City before and there are issues with both tone and plotting, but I for one think there was plenty to enjoy in the writing despite the problems. It told a story reminiscent of a comic book arc but had some original treatment and took a few bold decisions along the way. Flawed, yes, but it was competent if messy blockbuster type scripting.

I don't know why Mortal Kombat is there but I haven't played it. Can anybody tell me why Mortal Kombat is there? I'm not being facetious, I genuinely didn't know there was much writing in it at all. Maybe there isn't - just an intro and outro of pure gold.

Perhaps Brink will win this time around but I'd put my money (I'm not putting any money on this) on Uncharted 3. Perhaps Batman. It may not even be eligible, but if only To The Moon had been noticed. Cast your net wider, guild, and maybe you'll catch something rare and delicious.

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