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Xtra-Small-Com: Xenowar

Night will always follow day, controversy will always follow a highly-anticipated game scoring less than 9/10 on a mainstream videogaming website, and X-COM will always see remakes. Xenonauts is the one to watch at present, of course, but Xenowar caught my attention because it's going for a hyper-stripped down, simplistic, scrappy mini-take on the oft-aped formula.

It's designed primarily as an Android game, hence the very basic interface and appearance, but there is also a Windows version - ideal, perhaps, for a wheezing netbook or surreptitiously running on a work PC.

It's a charming, slightly silly yet still entirely strategic wee thing that successfully manages to conjure up the key parts of X-COMmery with a minimum of fuss despite the inherent complexity, but I'll admit it's a little clunky to control in its current form. It's still in beta form and costs a princely $0, however, so enjoy it for what it is and expect further improvements down the line. Meantime, you'll probably need the Wiki to suss out how to play.

Download Xenowar here.

Via TIGSource

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